Monday 27 May 2013

#101 Enter FilmLife

Creating a film wasn't something that I put on my list specifically, however it is probably one of the things I am most proud of. Lots of people have been asking me how I managed to get my film done in such a short amount of time, 20 days from concept to final edit, so here is a bit about my amazing FilmLife journey!

FilmLife was something that I heard about back in 2012 and wanted to be a part of. Ever since my transplant I have been really involved in, what I like to call, spreading the good word, of organ and tissue donation. Unfortunately, in 2012 FilmLife only ran a film making workshop in Sydney, so because I am a scientist by nature (currently doing my PhD in Kidney Regeneration at Monash University), and not a film maker, I had no idea how to make a film and did not manage to submit a 2012 entry. I did stream the whole FilmLife screening night and was deeply moved by all the films that were shown. I couldn't believe that so many people were as passionate about something that was so close to me, most with out being directly affected by it.

In 2013 when FilmLife announced that they were holding a workshop in Melbourne I jumped at the opportunity! Not only because I'd had a kidney transplant and thought that this was an excellent way to engage an audience, not only was I interested in using the arts to communicate such a difficult topic, but mainly I entered because this was the last year I was able to do so!

The FilmLife workshop in Melbourne was held on the weekend of the 2nd and 3rd of March, with a welcoming night on Friday night. This welcome gave the filmmakers the opportunity to talk to a donor family, and a nurse who was involved in the transplantation process and people who were transplant recipients. They were all there to share their stories of organ donation and inspire us filmmakers. Even though most of these people were some of my closest friends, that I am lucky enough to know merely through having my transplant, I didn't hold back in asking them everything that I hadn't already had the opportunity to ask them! I truly admire their gusto in opening themselves up, sharing their stories and answering hard questions (mainly that I was asking!).

The workshop was incredible. Run buy filmmakers Rohan and Gerlee, the plan was to leave the workshop with developed ideas and skills that would allow us to shoot the film. I must say that at first I was a little worried about other people stealing ideas, but it didn't take me long to realise the environment we were in was an incredibly supportive one, and also very creative.

There really is no grand story or light bulb moment on how I came up with the idea of my film. I just realised that the words "donate to somebody that I'll never know" fit in really well with "now you're just somebody that I used to know." When it was time to share my idea with everyone at the workshop, I was a little apprehensive - this wasn't a developed idea, rather one line that I had come up with. But I did share and everyone LOVED it! I really don't think that the film would have happened if I didn't get that response from the group. Everyone was SO encouraging.

In general I think I am pretty good at parody songs, I make up a line here and there which always make me and other people laugh. However, rewriting a whole song is a very different thing! I did come home from the first day of the workshop very pumped and excited to get this done. So I wrote out the lyrics of the original song by Gotye, featuring Kimbra, and even wrote down all the shots in the film clip.

I couldn't sleep on Saturday night, all these ideas for lyrics was keeping me up. I was wondering around the house at all hours of the morning scribbling things down on bits of paper, and recording my own terrible singing into the dictaphone on my phone. By the time I arrived at the Footscray Community Arts Centre for the second day of the workshop, I was running on about 3 hours sleep - but the lyrics were pretty much done. If I was going to get this film in on time I had to lay the lyrics the following weekend, then film the weekend after that to give me one week to edit. Next was time to find my talent.

Hannah Sweeny also attended the workshop, an actress/singer herself who had connections. Hannah suggested a friend who would possibly be interested in helping me with my film, my amazing female talent Lesha Pavlis. I sent Lesh my lyrics and we decided to meet. Lesh also said that she would bring a friend who was also interested in filming the project for me.

It was SO nerve racking meeting Lesh and Chris for the first time. Lesh told me she was a lyricist and she thought my lyrics were great. HOLY CRAP! Lucky I didn't know she wrote music before I sent her the lyrics, otherwise they might not have been sent in the first place. Chris too thought that the project was a great idea and was keen to help out, even when I told them that I had no budget.  That's right, everyone volunteered their time and equipment for this project. At our meeting Lesh also said that she has a friend who is interested in the project, and who looks very similar to Gotye.

Within a few days Lesh had recorded a rough cut of the song, with her singing both parts, and sent it to me. I was on the train coming home from uni when I received it and I think I played it 3 times! You wouldn't have been able to wipe the grin off my face if you tried. It was the most unbelievable feeling hearing my words sung out loud. I was definitely crying at some stage too. It was incredible.

By this stages things were so hectic at uni I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown. I think I had about 5 things going that I had to organise and my deadline for recording the final version of the song was already passed. I was starting to hope that Dima (my amazing male talent) wouldn't record his part of the song so that I wouldn't have to organise anything else. It was almost time for me to film and I had no idea of a location, I had no idea of where I was going to get lights from, and I was yet to find an anatomical artist.

The way that I found Jess was crazy. I had been emailing Monash Visual Arts department all week, bugging different lecturers and professor to see if they knew of any students who might be able to help me out. However, the Monday before filming, when I was teaching a developmental biology class at uni, there just so happened to be a visual arts class that was doing an anatomical drawing subject in the room next to me. I walked in, saw Jess drawing and literally yelled at her asking her what she had planned for the weekend.  Luckily, Jess and her friend Tam were free on the weekend of filming. Now I just needed a location and lights.

The day before my shoot, everything seemed to come together. I was told that a producer is a problem solver... and boy did I solve some problems the day before, and morning of, my shoot! The day before my shoot I went back to where it all started at the Footscray Community Arts Centre to meet Gerlee and Rohan again. I annoyed them for a good 3-4 hours and walked away with a complete shot list, edit list and a professional light rig.

In a secret location, I had planned for a 4 hours shoot. Telling everyone that if it went for longer then 4 hours, I would pull the pin and just deal with what I had. That didn't happen. It was more like a 9 hour shoot. The day started with me with me racing around finding the last final things I needed for the shoot... which was everything, including body paint, acrylic paint for the back ground, a background to paint on! There was lots of stops are craft stores, bunnings, $2 shops and fabric stores to get everything I needed.

My artists Jess and Tam showed up at about 2.30pm, which looking back was way too early. I think they slept for about an hour or so until they were needed! When Chris and Lesha showed up at around 3pm, Chris and I got straight into setting up the camera and talking about the shots that I needed to get. When Dima arrived it was all systems go. The first thing was to get the lighting right, which was a challenge because I had expected Dima and Lesha to stand flat against the background that we were to paint on. However, because I also didn't want shadow on the background or on my actors, we had to make them stand about one meter away from the wall.

Dima and Lesha had already recorded the lyrics into a final version, so we played that song from my computer over and over and over again. That way, every take we did Dima and Lesha could belt out the lyrics as if they were actually singing them, and we would match their lips moving to the recorded song in the editing room.

It was actually fairly quick getting Dima's first verse recorded. I only needed him to sing the lyrics twice, once in a close up, and once in a midshot, so then I could splice together everything in editing. Dima was so professional and really nailed his lyrics and acting every single time. I think we only got 2-3 takes of him singing his verse and we were done. However, by that time we had finished this recording it was already 6.30pm! We still had SO much to do.

Next was the background painting and the body painting. All of which had to be captured in stop motion. I had to make some decisions on the fly and not include some things which I would have liked to. I wanted to include a heart monitor on the background and a pancreas in the body painting. However, since I moved the actors forward I lost space on my background so couldn't fit the monitor in, and I did not think that people would have known what the pancreas was. Once these decisions were made my two extraordinary anatomical artists started their magic. I had 100% faith in them, even if they were painting with a sponge - something that I had never heard of before! Chris was so patient, capturing every line or shading or colouring in a still shot. We actually took so many shots of everything being painted we had to cut out half the photos in the editing rooms to make the stop motion fit into the film!

Once all of the organs were painted on Dima and the background was finished it was time to bring Lesha in and record both of them singing in at least 5 different shots. Both were incredible. So good in fact that we only had to do one take of a shot I needed! By the time we packed up it was about 11.30pm. Chris, Lesha and Dima were incredible troopers and understood what filming/acting/singing actually involved and were not phased in staying back so late.

Three days later, I sent Chris an edit list and he had matched up all of the mouth movements from all the shots we took with the prerecorded track. When I sat with him were managed to edit the whole film in 3 hours. Yep, I knew exactly what I wanted, although it did help already having a film clip to base my edits on!

About 4 days after the edit the film was due. I had done it. I managed to pull off making a film, from concept to final edit, in less then 3 weeks. You can watch the movie here:

If you like the clip then please PLEASE support the people who made it possible!
Chris Kosmer has his own production company -
Dima Shafro is in an awesome band -
Lesha Pavlis is an amazing solo artist/actress

Sunday 29 January 2012

#18 Go to Africa and see the wild cats: Part 1

Patrick and I. Patrick was my taxi driver
from the Airport to the Hotel, and it turns
out he needs a Kidney Transplant.
And see them I did!

This was probably one of things that has been on the list for the longest!

The adventure all started on the 9th of December 2011 when Mum and I exchanged a very teary goodbye at Sydney Airport. Next stop Dubai (for a long boring layover) and after that Nairobi!

Was I terrified landing at Nairobi airport, thinking that I was going to be the only white person around and have all my stuff stolen from me the moment I stepped off the plane? Yes I was.

Did I calm down and start trusting everyone I saw? Yes I did.

Now, I know the title of this blog is about seeing the wild cats of Africa, but so many spectacular things happened to me while I was on my Amazing African Awareness Adventure, that I just have to mention some of them here.

My frist sighting of Flamingo's! I almost cried when I saw
them. Once again, it was something that I had only previously
DREAMED of seeing, so actually being there was quite
overwhelming for me.
The first was meeting Patrick. Patrick the taxi driver and dialysis patient. I was really excited to meet him and talk to him at first, but the longer I spoke with Patrick the more I sad I became.
*Patrick goes to hospital for dialysis twice a week; in Australia, we dialyse people 3 times a week.
*Patrick has to PAY for EVERY VISIT he has to the hospital, including:
-All blood tests
-The use of the dialysis machine
-The work up tests that he and his son are going through to see if they are compatible
-The kidney transplant IF he gets one

Did I mention that he has to PAY for his KIDNEY TRANSPLANT SURGERY?!?!?!?!

He thinks it will cost about $10,000.00 USD. I have no idea how he might be able to afford that. I wouldn't have been able to. I would have died.

I went on a safari around Kenya with Patrick, as he said that it was extremely unfortunate that I was only going to see Tanzania. It was AMAZINGLY FANTASTICALLY EXCITING!
It was the first time I experienced African animals in the wild. We were driving along a semi-main road and we saw Giraffe, Zebra, Elands, Gazelle. "Where the hell am I? Where else in the world can you drive along a road and see GIRAFFE? Seriously, this place is insane" is all I kept thinking to myself.

The day consisted of:
->Stopping at an outlook over the Great Rift Valley, where I purchased an overly expensive Hippo statue.
Me enjoying that 20 cent corn that I
purchased off the side of the road!
->Taking a boat ride in Lake Naivasha where our boat was almost over turned by a very angry, angry hippo. "Don't worry" I was told, "they wont eat you, they just kill you." Eh... very comforting
->Going to Hells Gate and getting a tour of Hells Gorge by a Masai (named Joseph) who was learning to to kill a Lion with a poisoned arrow spear before becoming a guide
->Stopping off at a road stall and buying corn on the cob for 20 Kenyan Shillings. Yep, just as I was about to start eating it I thought to myself, hang on, this is ROAD SIDE FOOD and you are IMMUNOSUPPRESSED. Was this REALLY a good idea?? Yes, yes it was.

If anyone is going to Kenya and would like to do a safari, it would be GREAT if you could book with Patrick's company and like them on Facebook.

Go on! If you are going to be a tourist, do it responsibly and support the local industry!

Wednesday 30 November 2011

#77 Have a Flying Lesson

This is definitely something that I HAD to try because of my Dad.

When I was younger, I always loved hearing about my Dads adventures of when he was younger. Actually, that is a lie, I STILL love hearing all about his adventures! He is a wonderful story teller, and it is actually amazing what you find out when you sit down and listen to people who have had more life experience then you. 

Anyway, once such story, involved him almost crashing a plane during one of his flying lessons. 

"Hmm," I think, "flying lessons sounds like fun."

On the 14th of November 2009, a good friend, Clarice, and I went to Camden to experience it! After navigating the plane "to that shed over there," and "to those mountains over there" plus barrel rolls and loop-de-loops (controlled by my instructor) I came back from defying gravity with a great desire to become a pilot. Although, I would probably need a plane better suited to those with smaller stature, because I definitely could not reach the foot pedals that controlled the rudder....

But then I thought, "maybe a plane isn't the aircraft that I want to be flying..."

Clarice and I were so pumped from our flight that we quickly planned a holiday to Byron Bay so that we could tick off another, yet similar thing from our list.

On the 19th of December 2009 we were flying a chopper... of course!

It was way more technical then flying a plane. I got to use the cyclic to steer the chopper, the collective to ascend and descend, and more foot pedals (that I could actually reach this time!) to control the direction of the chopper.

And, as you probably guessed, I got to as Georgia (my co-pilot! Or instructor, however you want to look at it) HEAPS of questions about how choppers actually work. So not only did I have my lesson and tick it off my list, I also learnt a lot too!

Out of the two I now would prefer to have my chopper license. I know you can go further distances in a plane, but there is just something about the Bell 47 that I flew that I fell in love with!

Getting a chopper license is on the list.

But having a flying lesson - #77 DONE!

Monday 28 November 2011

#61 Dive with Great White Sharks

Why you might ask? Why the hell not I say! A chance to see these awesome animals in the wild – yes please!

I always thought that cage diving with the great white sharks was something that I wanted to do in South Africa, but on the advice from a friend, I decided to go in South Australia in January 2010 (just one month before my transplant!).

Best. Decision. Ever.

#1 – I was supporting an Australian industry – keep it local, yeah!
#2 – It’s cheaper then flying to South Africa
#3 – I got to meet the man himself. The man who was mistaken for food by one of these great sharks, who I first head of and saw as a manikin at “Ripley's Believe it or Not.” The one, the only, Rodney Fox. 

If you don’t like the look of the insides of a man, then probably don’t look at the above link. However, if you would like to read about a man’s fight for survival and his passion for the animal that almost took life away from him, then you should have a read and skip over the pictures!

I want to skip over all the boring detail of WAITING for the shark to grace us with it’s presence and get straight to the part where we SAW the shark, but I can’t!

Me with Andrew Fox, asking my
thousand questions about a
thousand different things

Researchers about to launch a device that will "ping"
every time a GWS comes into range. The tagging
of the sharks was done later in the trip

There was a team of researchers from France and members of the CSIRO on my trip who were joining us to monitoring the movements of the Great Shark. Anyone who knows me would assume that I used this opportunity to ask as many questions as I possibly could about what type of research they were conducting. Correct. 

Rodney was also along. Obviously I also was trying to ask him thousands of questions about his story but he wouldn’t talk about it. Until the last night that is. Our amazing chef made (or purchased) a Shark Cake (made of chocolate, not shark) for everyone to share in order to summon the Great Sharks to our boat. This was very important as we had yet to see a Great Shark. As everyone was settling down for the night it was time for a bedtime story – but probably not a good one to tell children. Rodney’s story was amazing. No matter what you read in books or see on T.V, nothing is similar to hearing the words from the man that lived through it. 

The Shark Cake that we call enjoyed
before listening to Rodney's
extraordinary story 

Rodney deep in thought as he recalls
his experiences with the Great Shark

Next day, SHARK DAY! Hearing the words “Shark! Shark!” being yelled from the back of the boat was something that I had been hoping to hear my whole holiday! And when it actually happened, and when I saw the Great Shark for the first time, it was exhilarating… above water of course. I nearly had a heart attack when I first saw the Great Shark under water!

My first glimpse of the Great White Shark!
He circled the boat a few time before deciding
to stick around at the back of the boat for the
rest of the day

Rodney and I on the top deck Shark spotting
I really do think that the reason Sharks are so good at what they do (finding food) is because they play mind games with all of the other sea creatures. Well, maybe not but the one I saw was driving me crazy! 

The shark that we saw looking ferocious...
(copyright Rodney Fox)

and now looking more, satisfied
(copyright Rodney Fox)

I was sitting in a cage, attached to the back of a boat, constantly looking around me seeing nothing but blue thinking, “where is it? I can’t see it! Far out, I can’t see it! Which way is it going to come from? Argh where is it!” And when I did see it, it wasn’t as if it slowly made it’s way into view, it would come out of nowhere, sometimes bashing up against the cage. You are taught in scuba diving that the most important thing is to control your breathing… I wonder if hyperventilating counts as control?

Holy crap a shark!
My thoughts as I just experienced my first Great Whte Shark
sighting in the surface cage at the back of the boat


Getting my sexy face on  in the submersible
cage at the bottom of the ocean

Looking into the surface cage, which
was actually very hard to get in and
out of.

Oh, and the water was freezing. In the middle of summer, 15 degrees. Nice. I stayed in the cage as long as I could, but it is really hard to sit still, in freezing water being psyched out by a shark. Two eventful things happened to me: 

Shark wins #1: I was trying to get out of the cage because the Shark seemed to be doing his fascinating “no show” for a while. Every time I got out of that cage I had to be dragged out! I was weighted so that I would stay on the bottom of the cage, and cold and weak and couldn’t lift myself out. I was probably half out of the cage before I got pushed back in and a regulator thrown to me. Mr Shark had decided to start ramming the cage again. With a leaky regulator (for all you non-divers out there that means that I couldn’t breath properly under water) and the shark doing his no show again I tried to get out a second time.

Hello, my name is Bruce

and I am hungry!
 Shark wins #2: This time I managed to get dragged out of the cage. But just as I was out – as in, just, the top of the cage was still open – the shark decides to have a go AGAIN. I was being held really tight by one of the crew members as the Shark came right up to the back of the boat and rammed into it. I was so close that I looked in his eye and watched that same eye roll back into the sharks head as it prepared for impact with the boat!

I have a feeling that the shark was after me because I was the smallest on the boat.

Me and the Rodney Fox gang at the end of my trip! I had an amazing time, it is something that I will never forget!

#61 DONE!

Monday 21 November 2011

#4 Graduate from University - Bachelor of Science (Biological Science)

Ok, so this might seem like a boring simple task that should have never have been on my list of things to do.

BUT, I am telling you, any student who has completed 13 years of schooling and decides to go straight to Univeristy will always have that moment when they sit back and think - why the hell am I doing this?

University is fun. It honestly was one of the best times I have had. I made life long friends. I learnt heaps - not just about science but about life in general and about myself.

University is hard. It does not feel good to fail (sadly, I am speaking from experience). It is not fun being broke all the time. It is stressful. Sometimes you need a break to figure out if it is all worth it.

So, I did just that. I jet setted off to Europe for 3 months and ticked of lots of things on my list! I am pretty sure that I was in... a Macca's in Italy (please don't judge! It was cheap food on a backpackers budget!) when I said to myself, "Yep, I have to, no, actually, I want to go back and finish Univeristy."

As you can see from the photo above. I did it! I graduated from the University of Wollongong on the 21st of December 2007 with a Bachelor of Science majoring in Biological Sciences!

#4 DONE!

My list of Things to Do

My list of things to do is long.

Hopefully most of you already know about the things I am ticking off my list at the end of this year, but just in case you forgot here they are:

1. Go on a Safari to see the Wild Cats
2. Climb Mount Kilimanjaro
3. Go Scuba diving in the Red Sea (and see the pyramids while I am there!)

This, is in fact, an adventure. An Amazing African Awareness Adventure to raise funds and awareness for organ and tissue donation.

My list has been established for some time now, and it was not until last night when I was looking for photos to share with you my previous list ticking adventures that I realised how much I had actually achieved!

This is what this blog is about! Sharing adventures and ticking things off that every growing bucket list!

Tuesday 15 November 2011

My first Blog!

So. I have created a blog!

I am trying to decide which will be the best way to keep everyone up to date on my happenings during my Amazing African Awareness Adventure. I am thinking this blog. I can write more, include photos, and inlcude links. I think....

So far my goal of $10,000.00 is just over a quater of the way there!!! Thank you to everyone who has already donatetd! If you would like to help me on my Amazing African Awareness Adventure then Donate now!